Words fail me. My heart goes out to you and your family.
David P
my father was rushed by ambulance from his rest home to st. marks hospital in salt lake city, utah friday, but i only just heard about it.
i received a call from the floor nurse and she told me he is not expected to live.
his lungs are filled fill up with fluid and are continuing to fill u with more fluid: he has pneumonia.
Words fail me. My heart goes out to you and your family.
David P
ok this has nothing to do with being a jw or anything of that nature but it is important to me and i need some help:.
here goes i have been drinking rum and coke (bacardi) since i can remember and finally realized that maybe it is contributing to my severly harsh hangovers.
so i went on a quest in search of a new drink.
Single malt scotch...neat. Princess
and if its not a single malt such as a 25 yr old Springbank, I would suggest "Usquaebach" IMHO the best blended Scotch in the world.
felix a (David P)
ok this has nothing to do with being a jw or anything of that nature but it is important to me and i need some help:.
here goes i have been drinking rum and coke (bacardi) since i can remember and finally realized that maybe it is contributing to my severly harsh hangovers.
so i went on a quest in search of a new drink.
May I suggest a MIND ERASER??
A tricky drink though-it is comprised of Kahlua, vodka and club soda. Properly prepared it is layered with Kahlua on the bottom, vodka in the middle, and club soda on top. Drink thru a thin cocktail straw very quickly and you get the taste sensations starting with Kahlua, ending with the bubbly sensation of the club soda which aids in that
quote:"pleasantly lit" feeling which you seek.
My first experience with a "Mind Eraser" was at my brothers wedding reception. I love those drinks... But what a pain in the ass to make.
felix a
below are listed quotes form the 1998 sentencing hearing for manuel beliz, the man who molested erica.. do you see any similarity between this and the berry sentencing?
why are jehovahs witnesses so keen to have convicted child molesters keep their children?
also unique in this hearing brother beliz asks to speak.
I am simply amazed.
I can't believe the comments you've shared.
Simply Amazed, Stunned, Aghast and Dumbfounded
felix a
seems that we've been getting it all wrong.... * http://www.pigbrother.co.uk/.
englishman.. ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
May I say - THANK YOU!!!
That is hysterical. Not to mention quite a piece of work.
David P aka felix a
i usually for some reason wake up pondering on my life and coming up with questions about certain things... this morning i looked out my window and thought... if god made earth for humans to live on.. then why did he create billions, and billions of planets inside billions and billions of galaxies?
if earth is the one out of allll these planets that has life on it... why?
Here's a link to Drakes Equation. http://www.seti-inst.edu/science/drake-bg.html I don't know if you've ever heard of this but it does have some bearing on your question.
Have to run... time to return close to the mall.
felix a (David P)
this is a chat i had a few months ago on yahoo (you people who chat on this stupid board, get yer asses over to yahoo, now!)..
jag1lisa: what religion are you.
cygnustsp: last thursdayist.
Now I know the importance of S.H.I.T. - I mean Thursdayism must be true... It explains why we can say S.H.I.T. and mean it.
I mean really, doesn't everyone just say S.H.I.T., at least once in a while.
It's true that we are frequently relieved that S.H.I.T. is over.
And we all know that S.H.I.T. happens.
So all you heretics who believe in T.G.I.F and in Last Wednesdayism will just have to realize the error of your ways and accept S.H.I.T. ;-)
You to can be happy if you rember this simple thought:
Sure Happy It's Thursday[/b]
felix a (David P)
"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible"
anyone got any good information as to why dubs dont like beards?
in 18 years, i have yet to understand why.
if its brought up tonight by anyone, what should i say?
While I was still attending meetings and living in Brooklyn I grew my beard. It was a well trimmed goatee. The response of my landlord who was a member of my congregation and a good friend was a comment on the size of my balls and what they were made of. One of my best friends was the school overseer, he never said a word about the goatee for two months. It wasn't until the service overseer twisted his arm and asked for a meeting with me in the back school one evening that my friend said anything to me. Even then he didn't want to be there or part of the matter. Or at least that was the impression I had from him. We were tight and the rest of the body knew it, they asked him to be there. I believe in the hope that he would be able to persuade me to shave it off.
Most of the time in back was spent listening to the service overseer carry on about not stumbling and the like. My friend was mostly quiet and the other bro just made his occasional comment. As for me I played it cool and got the guy to get down to the bottom line, namely, that he personally had a problem with beards. After that I just asked him why he hadn't just approached me one on one about the matter if it bothered him so much.
This led to those famous questions about do I believe this is God's organization and that the GB are the faithful and discreet slave.
I guess part of what bothered them is that I had served in this congregation while I was at Bethel and for a few months before getting married to my first wife. I also had been a pioneer there in the past. Granted I was in another congregation for about seven years while married and then I returned to theirs after my divorce.
So what the elder body was contending with is a brother who was likeable, who had been a Bethelite, served in the congregation and pioneered and now was attending with a beard.
Some of my favorite moments that came about from wearing the beard to meetings and hanging with friends was to get compliments from some of their wives. One poor Bethel Elder had to try and explain to his wife why couldn't grow one... Just makes me feel warm all over at the thought.
So all I can say is if you are going to associate at a congregational level with the Witnesses. Keep your beard. Ask questions. Have fun. And relax, you won't be the first to do it and you won't be the last.
felix a (David P)
following the link given, again by kent (thanks a lot).
i have taken some quite interesting comments, from the:.
Here, here...
While I was a Witness I felt religion should be taxed. Since leaving the Witnesses I feel religion should be taxed. And now I'm a little happier today knowing that some governments feel religion should be taxed and tax them... Or at least tax part of them.
Now all we have to do is get the governments to tax all religions or to not tax anyone, i.e. all individuals... I wouldn't mind a tax free life having paid my fair share already.
I also appreciate Mac pointing out the double standard use of the "monastic arrangement"
felix a (David P)
i think my wife and her sister are finally seeing the truth about the churches they have been associated with.
i have been going with them to the church services and pointing out the inconsistences of the dogma that is preached.
i'm not trying to destroy their faith in god but sometimes my comments may seem that way.
Hi guy's,
If we're talking about interesting books to read. You might add "The Dark Side of Christianity" to the list. I'm unable to remember the authors name. Finding out would mean risking waking up the wife by turning on the bedroom light. So I'll wait...
I've enjoed reading Karen Armstron and loved T. Paine...
felix a (David P)